Sunday 28 July 2024

It's Only English

Sitting on the bus heading to the Subway home from school, I stared at my text messages. I was in so much trouble. Jillian knew I was getting my English essay back today. There, typed on my phone, was my response to Jill's unwavering question, "How did you do?" School, was important to Jillian, in her opinion that was my job. Doing a half-ass job at it was not an option. I knew this but I just didn't care at the time. Why do I have to take English to be a lighting technician anyway? It was completely, stupid. 
The bus arrived at the subway station. I was out of time; I had to send it now. I looked at my phone and then at the grade on my paper. I could lie I thought. It isn't hard to change a D right? No, bad idea. Lying in the first place got me here. Okay, I can do this. One, two, and send. I gave it enough time to send and then ran into the subway. Jillian can't yell at me this way. I don't get service in here. Fifteen minutes of lecturing and you're getting tanned freedom.

My mind started racing as the subway started closing in on my stop. Why did I just "have to" go to that party? It wasn't great and wonderful enough for me to neglect my homework. What was the last thing Jillian said to me before we left? "Is all your schoolwork done?" Of course, I said yes. The yes was followed with a firm warning, "I better not be lying to her." Well guess what, I lied through my teeth at her, went to the party, which was awful, rushed my paper, and now I have a D. I get spanked for a B and I lied. I am in so much trouble. I arrived at my station and headed to the surface. My phone went wild, with six text messages and 14 missed calls. Now stupid me got myself in even more trouble. Jumping on the subway after a text like that was like disappearing from home minutes before Jillian arrived home to deal with me. It was like saying "fuck you, Jill, I'm gonna do as I please no matter what you say." We can guess where that usually lands me. Let's all say it together; in bed with a red hot sore bottom. I only had time to read the first message Jillian sent before I heard that familiar ringtone. One time, two times, three times, and

"Hello," I answered timidly.

"You better be scared. A D Sunshine? A D? Get your butt home and call me when you get there!"

Click went the phone. She didn't give me a chance to state my case; as poor as it was. I jumped on the bus and headed down to our house. I let myself in, dropping my backpack in my study room. I then placed the evidence of my misdemeanor on the dining room table. I knew I should call Jill back, she was probably watching the clock but I was hungry. Apparently, I felt the need to be further disobedient; I headed to the kitchen to make my after-school snack. I guess Jillian was watching the clock.

My phone started to sing, "Hello!"

"You better tell me you are on a broken-down bus and are not home right now," Jillian demanded?

"I am at home," I stammer out.

"For how long," I could feel Jill's annoyance through the phone?

"I don't know? Ten minutes," I rushed out.

"Ten minutes? What have you been doing those ten minutes?"

"I was hungry," I responded knowing I wasn't helping my case.

"Never mind. You were told to call me right away. Go to the corner till I get home," Jillian ordered.

"I'm eating," I said defiantly.

"I don't care. You've been misbehaving. Get your butt in the corner, now!"

"Yeah. Yeah. When I'm done eating…"

"Do you really think you're in the position to tell me when you will do something," Jill questioned?

"I'm hungry, Jillian. It was a long day at school."

"Not long enough seeing you're bringing D's home," Jill quickly followed.

"It's one D. It's not that big of a deal," I answered back.

"You know what I'm done talking about this. I will be home in twenty minutes you better be in the corner," Jillian demanded.

"I'm not going to the flippin' corner and you're not spanking me," I yelled into the phone slamming my hand on the table.

"BED! NOW!! AND STAY THERE," Jillian hollered!

Click, went the phone for the second time that day. I threw my phone down on the table next to my paper. I continued eating my yogurt and granola, placing my bowl in the sink when I finished. I turned and looked at where my phone had landed. It had been thrown one too many times. The screen had cracked into a million pieces.

"What the hell is wrong with me today? She's gonna freak."

I ran for the bedroom, jumping into bed to wait for Jillian's arrival. I really did it this time grabbing my notebook off the bedside table I started writing. Let's play a game; are you ready? How many things can Sunshine do wrong in one day?

1.     Bring a D paper home

2.     Lie to Jill about said paper being written before the party

3.     Run and hide from Jillian

4.     Disobedience times 10

5.     Tantrum = Broken phone again

6.     Being disrespectful

That's an evening of punishment right there. So, much for going out to a dinner and a movie.

"Why do I always do this on a Friday night," I blurted into my pillow?

"My question exactly," Jill questioned from the doorway?

I tried to hide the paper I had just listed my misdemeanors on. I knew what Jill would do with that paper. I wasn't looking forward to it. "I will take that and you can GET IN THAT CORNER."

"Yes, Ma'am." 

"And you better get used to it because you're going to be there a lot this weekend," Jillian announced. I quickly climbed off the bed and into the corner; handing Jill the paper on my way. She read and reread the list. I tried to but to no avail to will time to reverse. I really wish someone would figure out how to do that. "We will discuss the lying and the poor grade last. First, we are going to talk about the disobedience and disrespect."

"Yes, Jillian."

I could hear Jillian rustling around behind me. She opened and closed the closet doors. I could only assume that she was busy changing out of her business clothes something I loved watching her do. I always found Jillian so beautiful looking, as she put away her office self, and changed into Jill's regular "I want to lounge around and love you" self. I hated myself right now, there she was changing behind me and I was missing it. Why did I again have to throw a fit about being punished for my poor grade? Was it worth trashing all our plans this weekend? Damn it, I should have just gone to the corner in the first place. It would have been a spanking for the poor grade then probably the paddle for lying about the paper; twenty minutes flat. We would already be onto our plans. But no, again I had to play the "I'm mad at myself so I'm gonna take it out on you card." I doubt I'm going anywhere but my study room, bed, and the corner for the rest of the weekend. Jillian's never taken well to me, telling her what I will or will not do. All for a party that was boring as hell.

"Alright, little girl, get over here. Tell me what you will and will not do?"

"I'm sorry, Jillian," I stammer.

"Of course, you are now that you've had time to calm down and contemplate what's going to happen here."

"I was upset," I said trying to delay my doom.

"And disobeying your disciplinarian is a good idea when you're already in trouble? Drop them," Jillian questioned and ordered.

I quickly unfastened my shorts; removing them completely. I hate when they get in the way. Standing in front of Jillian I hoped for a bit of forgiveness. I asked; "Panties too?"

"What do you think?... Get them down. Honestly?"

"I was hoping for some understanding," I whispered.

"Oh, so we are still telling me what you will and will not do. Get over."

I barely had time to register what was going on. Jillian had me over her lap, properly positioned, panties removed with a hairbrush in hand before I had time to voice my complaint. If I had a complaint which I'm pretty sure I didn't and really like it was going to be heard.

"I wasn't telling, I was asking," I protested.

"I would think, after a year together you would know the answer to that." Jillian didn't give me any time to form any type of response. That wicked hairbrush landed in the centre of my right cheek. My poorly formed response turned into a scream of pain. The assault on my right cheek continued followed by a brief rest as the assault was moved to the left cheek. It wasn't long before Jillian reached her hair-brushing rhythm. Five minutes later I was kicking and crying begging Jillian for the smallest of breaks. "Stop kicking, little girl."

"Then stop spanking me so hard," I sarcastically responded.

"Clearly, we are still missing the point. Get up!" I climbed off of Jillian's lap; my bottom was already glowing red. She glared into my weeping eyes. I stood there nervously waiting for the next part of my doom, "You WILL NOT tell me what you will or will not do. Nor will you tell me how I should or should not punish you," I looked at the floor; digging my toes into the carpet. Jillian had enough of my outright disobedience and disrespect she took a hold of my wrist and pulled me down into a kneeling position. Jillian then pulled my eyes in line with hers. I knew, in that moment, that I had pushed way too far this time, "Do you understand me?"

"Yes, Ma'am," I rushed out.

"Get over my knee right now! And don't you dare tell me how to punish you again?!"

"Yes, Ma'am." 

I climbed back over Jillian's knee; pinning my legs she picked the hairbrush back up. I tried to force myself to swallow the huge nervous knot in my throat. I was starting to worry that I was going to be sick with guilt before this spanking would end. I heard Jillian raise her arm. I dug my fingers into the bed waiting for the brush to connect with its target. I thought I was going to die when it did. Jillian's stride soon returned. This time I was forced to stay still and take it. Jillian's stronghold on my legs made it impossible to fight her. Each spank seemed to intensify. It had been a long time since I had received the hairbrush. I seemed to have forgotten how much I hated it. I wanted Jillian to stop.

"Little girl, are you listening to me?"

"Yes Ma'am," I sobbed out.

"Good! You are going to get a reminder of your place in this relationship."


"Yes, Ma'am."

"What is your job in this relationship, Sunshine?"

"To submit and do as I'm told," I stated.

"Which includes," Jillian prompted?


"Being respectful."



"Obedience," I listed.



"Going to class," I continued through my tears.

"Including doing all your schoolwork to the fullest," Jillian lectured.

"Yes, Ma'am."

"Which clearly you haven't been, have you," Jillian asked?

"No Ma'am, I haven't," I had to agree.

"If you ever disobey or disrespect me the way you did early today you won't sit right for a month," Jillian promised.

"Yes, Ma'am."

Ten hard spanks with that hairbrush followed Jillian's warning. I cried out in pain my bottom was red, sore, and swollen. I felt Jillian's hold loosen around my legs. This part of my punishment seemed to be coming to an end.

"Corner, Sunshine!" Obediently I headed to the corner. I wish I had just gone to the first time I was told. Jillian followed behind me. Please don't spank me was all I was thinking. "You stay in that corner until I come and get you. Then we will discuss your poor grade and the reasoning behind it."

"Yes, Ma'am."

Fifteen minutes I stood in that corner, my bottom awakening with every second that passed. I wasn't looking forward to round two. I was sore already I didn't know if I could stay in position this time. Plus the evil paddle was going to be coming out. Lying was a paddle offense in Jillian's opinion. I don't mean the little "bum burner" paddle, I mean the school paddle. The paddle, that makes my bottom feel like it's going to tear open with every stroke. I hated that thing. It rarely saw the light of day. I knew better than to lie to Jillian. I should have just done the paper and skipped the party.


"Yes, Jillian."

"Go get the paddle." I turned to look to see if Jillian was serious. By the look, she shot me she was. "Do I have to?"

"Yes, you do. You know the consequences of lying. Don't you?"

"Yes, Ma'am."

"Go get it then," Jillian pointed.

With no further protest, I was on the hunt for the worst implement known to man. Like, really, who thought this one up? It might as well be a two-by-four. I'd rather have the sting of the cane than the thud of that damn paddle. Where is that damn paddle anyway? I don't even remember where we were the last time that thing saw the light of day. Someone really should start putting implements away when finished. Oh wait ignore that statement that would be my job too. I don't need any more trouble here. Remember Sunshine remember. "The couch." Sure enough there it was under the couch. I guess "someone" thought they'd get away with hiding it after the last lying incident. I guess that person was wrong. I hurried back to Jillian paddle in hand. Stalling a punishment always seemed to make it worse.

"Where was it hidden this time, Sunshine?"

"The couch."

Jillian took the paddle from me and placed it on the bed. "A D Sunshine, I am so disappointed in you. You are not a D student."

"I know. I'm sorry."

"No you don't know but you're going to."

I was so concerned with what Jillian was going to do with the paddle that I failed to notice that she had also brought a strap with her. I froze as Jillian picked it up motioning me to get into position. I obeyed; after all, did I really have a choice? Poor grades were never an option.

"You really thought we weren't going to discuss your D first?"

"I guess not," I answered.

"You guess not? Why?"

"Cause it's only English. It's not an important class. I don't get why I have to go anyway."

This brilliant statement was answered with the strap landing square across my bottom. I screamed out not so much in pain but in shock. I wasn't expecting that strap to land already. Each time that strap landed for the next three minutes it landed harder and harder. My bottom must have started turning purple, so much for sitting anywhere this weekend. My eyes started to show the world how sorry I was becoming; tears started falling after each stroke.

"I'm going to say this one time and one time only, Sunshine."

"Yes, Ma'am."

"Every class is important. Every class is a requirement to graduate. To keep your scholarships, so you can pay for school, a B if not an A average is required. And you will get an A in every class not because it is required but because you are NOT a D or a B student."

"Okay, Jillian, I understand," I cried.

"If you ever bring a D home again you will go to school and come home from school. Once home you will study, do your chores, and go to bed. Do you understand me?"

"Yes, Ma'am," I agreed.

"I don't ever want to have to discuss this again," the strap landed twice more.

"Yes, Ma'am."

"Corner," Jillian ordered.

There I was again back in that stupid corner. Obediently, I stood as stoic as possible, waiting for the next part of my well-deserved punishment. Why did I lie? I hate it when people lie to me. And here I am; lying my crime. Jillian had never stood for lying. Stupid stupid stupid me. I heard Jillian return to the room.

"Alright, get back into position," Jillian demanded.

"Yes, Ma'am," I said as I obeyed.

"You will not lie to me. I don't know why you feel we need to go through this every couple of months?"

"I don't know," I answered questioning myself.

"You're testing me aren't you?"



"Yes, Jillian," I confessed.

"So then why are you trying to deny it?"

"Cause I don't want more licks with that thing," I said pointing to the paddle.

"So you tried to lie to me a second time?"

"I'm sorry."

"Count," Jillian ordered!


"One, Ma'am."


"Two, Ma'am."


"Three, Ma'am."


"OUCH!! Four, Ma'am."


"PLEASE!!! Five, Ma'am."

"You still feel the need to lie to me, again?"

"No, Ma'am. I'm sorry Jilli, please?"

"No! Five more."

"Why?" I protest.


"Count or we can go for twenty."

"No!!! Six, Ma'am"


"Seven, Ma'am"


"Eight, Ma'am"


"Nine, Ma'am"


"OUCH!!!! It hurts. Ten Ma'am"

"If you dare lie to me again it will be double," Jillian promised.

"Yes, Ma'am"


The corner again? Why am I starting to think I'm going to be here a lot this weekend? I swear I'm never telling Jillian what I will or will not do again. She hasn't spanked me this thoroughly in a really long time.

"I just looked at your phone, Sunshine."

"Yes, Ma'am."

"It's going to be a really long time before you get a new one."

"I know," I confess.

"I am so sick of your tantrums"

"Please don't spank me anymore," I beg?

"I should. You know that, right?"

"Yeah, Jillian, but please don't I'm really sorry?"

"I would say, you most certainly are, seeing your butt is turning white! Come here."

Tears started rolling down my face again. I couldn't take another spanking. Please Jillian, I thought, give me a break. Please wait till tomorrow. I walk towards her. 


Obediently although sobbing I climbed over Jillian's open lap. I positioned myself just the way she liked me. I tried to get comfortable; like that was possible. I felt Jillian's hand leave my bottom; I cringed as I waited for the first spank. Six firm hand spanks landed.

"Good to see that you are now ready to do as you are told when you are told again. Get up."

I climbed off, laying myself next to her on the bed, my head in her lap looking up at those forgiving eyes.

"I'll be good," I promise.

"No more tantrums?"

"Yes, Ma'am, no my tantrums," I answer. 

"You're grounded you know that right?"

"I understand, Jillian."

"Early to bed, no TV, no gaming system, no nothing! You will study your English, for three hours tonight, three hours tomorrow, and three hours Sunday."


"And if I'm watching TV and you're not studying you will be in the corner downstairs."

"Yes, Ma'am," dropping my eyes briefly.

"And this better not happen again, little girl," Jillian warns.

"It won't," I promise.

"Good because if it does you will get ten times the spanking you just got."

"I know," 
I cried reaching for the forgiving hug I hadn't received yet. Jillian stroked my tears away as I clung to her waist. I never meant to be so bad.

"I love you, baby girl."

"I love you too"

"You are better than that behaviour, Sunshine."

"I know, Jillian."

"As long as you are with me that behaviour is unacceptable. And you will be punished every time for it."

"Yes, Ma'am."

"I really don't want to see it again."

"You won't."

"Well, I have dinner reservations."

"You're still going to go?"

"Why should I stay home because you were bad?"

"You shouldn't," I agree.

"Besides you have studying to do. So get your books and get into that bed."

"Yes, Ma'am."

"And you better be there when I get home."

"I will be."

Sitting rather carefully on our bed I watched Jillian from behind my book getting ready for dinner. Her sister had jumped at the chance to do dinner and a movie with her, one night of freedom with no kids to deal with; time just to hang out as sisters. God, Jillian was beautiful as she got changed for the second time that night.

"Goodbye Sunshine, you do as you are told."

"Yes, Ma'am. Have fun."

Alone in our bedroom, I contemplated what happened that afternoon. I so wished I was out with Jill, but was glad I wasn't. I needed her unwavering firmness. I needed boundaries. I needed to know that no matter what was planned things would be taken away if I didn't behave. What can I say I am and will always be a person in need of discipline. I need it, I crave it, I want it, I function better with it. Jillian knew this and was willing to stop me in my tracks when needed no matter what the situation.