Sunday 29 September 2024

Shopping With Jillian

I have never done well in large crowds of people. People just annoy me really fast. You know the kind of people that act like they are the only ones in the store. They don't pay attention to anything; then all of a sudden they start running into people, then it's the other person's fault not their own. If that's not bad enough then you get the parents with the kids that aren't in their strollers. This wouldn't be an issue if the child was actually behaving. So in this huge crowd of people you have this parent hitting people with their damn strollers as they are saying "please behave; you're gonna go in the stroller," but nothing gets done. I just have the urge to pick the child up, throw them in the stroller, strap them in, and say that's how you get your child to behave. It’s too crowded for them to be running around misbehaving. Now this is all on top of the fact that I HATE shopping. Period!!! Like 100%. When I need new clothes Jillian would drag me kicking and screaming to the store. It usually ends in Jillian picking everything out and her telling me what I would be wearing.

So one Black Friday we decided, okay Jillian decided that we and a couple of friends would head off to Birch Run, Michigan to go shopping at the outlets. We had a long conversation about what was expected of me on the trip and what would happen if Jillian saw that I was getting overwhelmed with the crowds.

So at the crack of dawn Jillian, Karen, Jaime and I headed out to the states in our conversion van. A van that was perfect for our spanking needs on the road. You see our van had four captain seats and a bench seat in the back. The bench turned into a bed; which meant that the windows also had blinds on them. Talk about a moving spanking room.

The ride down was great. We got across the border quicker then I had expected. Before long we had arrived at our shopping destination, exited the van, and started heading into store after store after store. I was slowly becoming more and more annoyed as the holiday shoppers grew larger and larger and larger. Things were starting to go south really fast. I was getting tense. Unacceptable things were starting to slip from my mouth. We were looking around the Corningware store when Jillian heard me uttered something that wasn't anywhere close to okay in her books. She knew I was near the breaking point.

"Not appropriate Sunshine," Jillian warned.

"Well they need to wake up and pay attention to not just themselves."

"Sunshine, go to the van and calm yourself down," Jillian ordered.

"I am calm," I chatted back.

"That's one. Do you want to jump to three?"

"No, Ma'am," I found my submission again.

"Go, then," Jillian pointed to the door.

"Fine," I whine.

"I will come get you when I feel you're ready to rejoin us."

I stormed out of the store rather annoyed with Jillian. Why did I have to have time to calm down? I was calm!!! Wasn't I? I don't want to go to the damn van and kneel in the back corner. It wasn't fair; it wasn't my fault. It was the stupid people in the store's fault.

There in the back corner of the parking lot our van stood away from everyone else. That way a bad disobedient little girl can be dealt with without interruption. I opened the barn doors of the van, sat down on the floor with my feet up on the running board, and lowered my chin on to me knees. I was nowhere close to where Jillian had sent me. I knew this and I also knew the consequences for disobeying her but I didn't care. It wasn't my fault. Thirty minutes past before I saw Jillian walking towards the van. I could see her annoyance from forty feet away. I had just jumped way past three.

"You! In! Now!" Jillian didn't need to tell me twice. I was standing and turned around to climb into the van in seconds. Jillian wasn't about to wait for me to get into the van to start to deal with me. I felt a few very hard spanks as I was climbing in. I through myself onto the farthest captain chair trying to protect my stinging bottom.

"Stop, Jillian. I didn't do anything."

Jillian climbed into the van slamming the doors behind her. She headed to the back of the van where the bench seat is. I watched as she flipped the seat down into a bed and pulled the blinds all the way closed. She sat herself on the seat and looked at me. I was nervous now, "Get over my lap."

"No, Jillian. I didn't do anything," I protested.

"What is one of your main jobs in this relationship?"

Staring at the floor I forced myself to answer the woman I loved, "To do as I'm told."

"Why," Jillian prompted?

"Because that's what I need to do and agreed to do," I answered. 

"Did you just do as you were told," Jillian questioned again?

"No, Ma'am."

"Get over my lap."

"Please," I said as I stood in obedience?

"Drop them," Jillian ordered.

"Not bare," I begged.


I obediently lowered my jeans to my knees. Looking apologetic I hoped for some protection although my panties were very little protection. "My panties too?"

"Sunshine," Jillian ordered in annoyance?

"Please? I've been really trying all day. I left the store when you said. Don't I get points for that?"

"Fine we'll start with them up. Now over my knee."

I lowered myself down across Jillian knee for what I was sure was going to be a long hard spanking. If there was one thing Jillian never stood for it was disobedience of any kind.

"Please, Jillian? I was trying to be good."

"And you were getting overwhelmed. I told you to come calm down. I know what is best and expect you to obey no questions asked. Just like if we were at home," Jillian lectured.

"I know."

"Then take your punishment for not listening to me. Take it without fighting me and we can continue with our day.

"Yes, Ma'am," Jillian's hand connected with my bottom. Her spanks were firm and fast right from the beginning. I understood now that Jillian's spanking was going to create a whole lot of sore in a short amount of time. My poor cheeks grew redder and hotter with every spank. I needed a break just a small break. I didn't think I could hold my position much longer it hurt too much. "Jillian please? I'm sorry. I'll listen the rest of the day."

"I'm going to make sure of that." Spank!!! Spank!!! Jillian stopped. "Go get the hairbrush out of the glove box."

Crying but obediently I climbed down from Jillian's lap in search for the hairbrush. It didn't take me long to find it. Within minutes I was positioned back over Jillian's knee bottom stuck up in the air waiting for that stingy brush to connect. "I'll obey you the rest of the day."

"I think it's time for the panties to come down. What do you think Sunshine?"

"I guess," before I got the whole sentence out I found my panties around my knees too. I guess it didn't matter what I said.


The hairbrush bit into my right cheek. A yelp exited from the very depths of my being. I had forgotten how much more the hairbrush in the van stung. The hair brushing intensified as fast as the hand spanking had. I was sure my bottom was turning purple with every spank. I started fighting to get free from Jillian's hold but the more I fought the harder the hairbrush landed. Two minutes into the hair brushing I was bawling begging Jillian to stop. When she wasn't listening to my pleading I did the one thing I knew would get me into a whole mess of more trouble. I reached back with my hand to protect my bottom. A mistake I was soon going to regret. She grabbed a hold of my guilty wrist.

"Open your hand," Jillian ordered!

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I won't do it again," I pleaded.

"Now!" I opened my guilty hand. The wicked hairbrush landed five times in the centre of my palm. After which Jillian released the hold she had on my wrist.

"Now, leave your hand in front of you," Jillian demanded.

Opening and closing my hand I put it out in front of me where it was supposed to stay during a spanking. My thighs were next to feel the hairbrush; three on each. I hated this it always hurt soo bad! Jillian only used it to punish me for not holding my position during a spanking.

"Owie, Jilli!"

"NOW!! Stop kicking about and trying to get off my lap."

"Yes, Ma'am," I forced my body to still. 

"We would have been done already if you had just taken it," Jillian informed.

"I was trying. That thing really hurts," I pleaded again.

"Good! Now 40 more."


"40!! You keep moving around it will be more. Understand?"

"Yes, Jillian."

40 more swats with that damn hairbrush landed left and then right, right and then left. Each swat increasing in firmness. I thought my bottom was going to split in two before the spanking was over. But finally the last swat landed.

"Up, Sunshine."

Crying and wiping my tears I climbed off my disciplinarian's lap once again. Kneeling bare and red bottom at her feet Jillian took a hold of my chin and forced my wet eyes in line with hers.

"I love you, little girl."

"I love you too," I wrapped my arms around Jillian.

"I don't want to have to spank you again today."

"You won't," I promised crying into Jillian's chest.

"Let's hope not."

"I promise."

"Where do bad little girls go after a spanking, Sunshine?"

"The corner. Where I should have just gone in the first place," I admit.

"Oh good we're learning. Go."

Jillian waited outside the van as I knelt in the corner for a good 30 minutes. It took me that long to finish crying out all my stress, guilt and embarrassment. I knew our friends were waiting for us to return to shopping. I knew they knew that the reason we didn't return in a timely matter was because I just had my bottom roasted. I was nervous about rejoining them for the remainder of the day. I heard the barn doors finally swing open.

"Alright little one. Pull your panties and pants back up and let's continue our day."

"Yes, Jillian."

Carefully I pulled my panties up first and then my jeans over them, thinking I so should have wore my comfy pants. I climbed out of the van shutting the doors behind me. Jillian once again took a hold of my chin forcing my eyes in line with hers.

"No more acting up, today."

"Yes, Ma'am."

"No sulking about having a warm bottom either," Jillian lectured.

"Yes, Ma'am," I promised.

"One inch of misbehaviour the rest of the day you will be back over my knee."

"I know, Jilli. I'm sorry." Hand in hand we headed back towards the store where our friends were missing us. The angry tension in Jillian's body was gone. And as for myself I felt centred once again. Whole!!! Ready to continue our day of shopping. Perhaps Jillian should have warmed my bottom before we left Canada
that day?